Please enjoy this perfect high summer mix by multi-faceted creative + dear Coup pal Robb DiMaria. This eclectic, sonic summer quilt has been hand stitched by Robb, making an ideal ground cover for any grassy knoll on a hot summer day. Like a warm tickle with a sandy after taste, these bright beats, lo-fi lyrical lotions, and nostalgic whispers keep you reminiscing and wishing the sun would never set.
Robb is no stranger to spinning records in windowless dive bars on the edge of the interstate, as well as suburban bowling alleys.
So, book a trip on this all-inclusive cruise ship down the muddy urban river system of your mind.
May your tan lines be distinct or completely nonexistent.
*Recommended use: Spotify - settings - playback - crossfade slider to12 sec. Start to finish no scrubbing, no skipping!
Listen to a sample below or the full playlist here!